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Archive for the 'Korean Words' Category

17 Authentic Korean Foods You Must Try

Many foreigners think that all Korean foods are spicy and hot, but this is not true. There are plenty of non-spicy dishes you can enjoy!  In this article, we’ll introduce you to the top seventeen famous Korean dishes and give you a glimpse of the typical Korean restaurant atmosphere. Restaurants are one of the most fun places to practice your Korean skills. The waiters and waitresses are friendly to travelers and will be willing to help you choose dishes that aren’t too spicy for you.  Before we continue, we’d like to give a friendly warning: You’ll be hungry for Korean food by the time you finish reading! Table of Contents Must-Try Dishes in Korean Restaurants Authentic Korean Food vs. Overseas Food Unique Korean... Show more

Motivational and Inspirational Korean Quotes

We can apply quotes to so many different aspects of our lives. For example, some people read inspirational quotes to keep themselves motivated; others read them to feel better about themselves or to move forward after a hardship.  But did you know that the benefits of reading quotes don’t end there? You can also expedite your language learning by studying popular quotes in that language.  In this article, we’ll introduce you to many inspirational Korean quotes on various topics, from love to language learning (and everything in-between). We’ve included a mix of original Korean quotes and popular English quotes translated into Korean. Enjoy! Table of Contents Quotes About Success Quotes About Life Quotes About Time ... Show more

Essential Korean Phrases for Business

Do you plan on working in South Korea or visiting for a business trip? If so, it’s important that you learn the most common business Korean phrases.  In this article, we’ll introduce you to the most essential Korean for business, so that you’ll be prepared for any situation. By the time you finish reading, you should feel more confident in your abilities to navigate a variety of workplace or business situations, from performing well in your job interview to chatting with coworkers. Let’s get started! Table of Contents Why is it Important to Study Business Phrases? Nail Your Job Interview in Korean Business Phrases to Interact with Coworkers Business Phrases to Sound Smart in a Meeting Business Phrases to Handle... Show more

Different Ways to Say Goodbye in Korean

There are many different ways to say goodbye in Korean, and each expression is used in a specific context. Studying Korean goodbye phrases and when to use them is crucial in developing your speaking skills, as some phrases may be considered offensive when used in the wrong context. For example, the way you say goodbye to an elder will be different from how you say goodbye to someone your own age. In this article, you’ll learn how to say goodbye in Korean in any circumstance. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be one step closer to conversing like a native Korean-speaker!  Are you ready? Let’s go! Table of Contents The Most Common Ways to Say Goodbye "I gotta go. Goodbye!" & "See you again!" "Goodbye, see... Show more

Is Korean Hard to Learn (Or Easier Than You Think)?

So, you’ve decided to learn Korean. That's good!  But we’re sure there’s still that creeping question at the back of your mind: Is Korean hard to learn?  In this article, we’ll answer this question and provide you with examples of things that learners find difficult (and simple) about the language. By the time you’re done reading, you may just walk away with the realization that Korean is easier than you thought!  But first... Table of Contents Why Should You Learn Korean? Is it Hard to Learn Korean? What are the Hardest and Easiest Parts of Learning Korean? Advice for New Korean-Learners Why is KoreanClass101 Great for Learning Korean? 1. Why Should You Learn Korean? Korea is becoming more and more... Show more