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Archive for the 'Korean Language' Category

가장 좋아하는 한국 도시는 어디예요? What is your favorite city in South Korea?

도시 (dosi): city Here are some cities picked by our users: Daejon and Taegu Seoul and Busan Busan used to be the city of my dreams since I wanted badly to visit it, but Ansan is the city of my heart, though dirty, somehow boring for many, still the place i'll treasure in my memories as long as I live . What is your favorite city in South Korea? Click here to share your city! P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Korean with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Korean is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Korean over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and... Show more

Do You Know How To Say “Flavors” In Korean?

맛 (mat): flavors This is the Korean word for "flavors." Here are some flavors picked by Jae: 달콤한 (sweet) 매운 (spicy) 쓴 (bitter) Learn more words about flavors! Click here to learn more with Jae! P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Korean with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Korean is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Korean over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the Korean Resources menu or in the Quick Links menu on your Dashboard. Click here to check out the Daily Dose of Korean Calendar.

5 Ways To Improve Your Korean Speaking Skills

Speaking is usually the #1 weakness for all Korean learners. This is a common issue among language learners everywhere. The reason for this is obvious: When language learners first start learning a language, they usually start with reading. They read online articles, books, information on apps and so on. If they take a class, they spend 20% of their time repeating words, and 80% of the time reading the textbook, doing homework or just listening to a teacher. So, if you spend most of your time reading instead of speaking, you might get better at reading but your speaking skills never grow. You get better at what you focus on. So if you want to improve you speaking skills, you need to spend more of your study time on speaking. Here are... Show more

Do you know what “wallet” is in Korean?

지갑 (jigap): wallet Here are some words picked by Jae: 주민등록증 (identification card) 운전면허증 (driver's license) 현금 (cash) Do you know what to say when you've lost your wallet? Click here to learn more! P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Korean with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Korean is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Korean over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the Korean Resources menu or in the Quick Links menu on your Dashboard. Click here to check out the Daily Dose of Korean Calendar.

Sneak Peek: Review More Korean with This Feature, Badges & Your 26% OFF

Hello Listener, You’ll want to know about these 3 new Korean learning tools and features. They’re great for reviewing, motivation and progress and learning consistently with easy 1-minute lessons. One is an unofficial sneak peek. So what are they? The brand new Achievement Badges, the Daily Dose of Korean and the Word Bank! And... if you want to master Korean, unlock our proven learning system at 26% OFF and get a Bonus 6.5-hour Audiobook! In this month’s newsletter: 72 Hours Left! Click here to get 26% OFF + FREE 6.5-Hour Audiobook New Feature! Achievement Badges Now Available for Premium PLUS Sneak Peek: Save & Review Vocab with this Study Tool New! Easy 1-Minute Lessons with the Daily Dose of Korean 1. Ends... Show more