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Archive for the 'Korean Language' Category

Top 10 Foods That Will Kill You Faster in Korean

Click here to listen to the audio pronunciation! 1. 가공육。 - Processed meat. 2. 감자칩。 - Potato chips. 3. 냉동식품。 - Frozen meals. 4. 마가린。 - Margarin. 5. 베이컨。 - Bacon. 6. 사탕。 - Candy. 7. 소다。 - Soda. 8. 에너지 음료。 - Energy drinks. 9. 인스턴트 라면。 - instant noodles. 10. 전자레인지용 팝콘。 - Microwave popcorn. Click here to access this lesson for FREE! Here are some handy ways you can master the quotes with this lesson: Press the sound icon to hear each word and read along Review all words in a slideshow by pressing “View Slideshow” Listen to all the words in one lesson with “Play Audio” Add the words to your Word Bank or Flashcards Print the entire list out for your personal... Show more

The Top 5 K-Pop Songs To Learn Korean!

Can you learn a language just by listening to music? Probably not. However, while it would be illogical to rely solely on music to learn a language, it can definitely help! This is true for learning Korean. Here are a few reasons why music CAN help you learn Korean: Click Here To Start Learning Korean Today! 1. Music can help you remember! Ever had a song stuck in your head? Music stimulates memorization naturally. So while you’re singing your favorite Korean pop song every night before bed, you’ll be working on your language skills at the same time! How’s that for practicing Korean? 2. Practice on the go! With modern technology, you can listen to music anywhere. The convenience of music is what makes it the perfect way... Show more

Did you know 옷 (ot) means Clothes?

Here are the words picked by Jae: 스웨터 - sweater 티셔츠 - T-shirt 바지 - pants Learn more words about clothes! Click here and learn more with Jae! P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Korean with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Korean is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Korean over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the Korean Resources menu or in the Quick Links menu on your Dashboard. Click here to check out the Daily Dose of Korean Calendar.

가장 좋아하는 한국 뮤지션은 누구예요? Who is your favorite Korean musician?

가장 (gajang): Most Here are some answers from our users: U-KISS FT Island 빅뱅 Bigbang Who is your favorite Korean musician? Click here and share your answer! P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Korean with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Korean is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Korean over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the Korean Resources menu or in the Quick Links menu on your Dashboard. Click here to check out the Daily Dose of Korean Calendar.

Did you know 개 (gae) means a dog in Korean?

Koreans have always loved having dogs as pets. Two native Korean dogs are the Jindo dog and the Sapsal dog. The Jindo dog is especially well-known for its loyalty to its master and its homing instincts. Other popular pets in Korea are cats and hamsters. 개를 키우는 것은 생각보다 쉽지 않았습니다. (gaereul kiuneun geoseun saenggakboda swipji anatsseumnida.): It was not as easy to raise a dog as I thought. P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Korean with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Korean is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Korean over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and... Show more