Archive for the 'Korean Music' Category
October 1, 2008
Epik High and Moonshine
여러분, 안녕하세요!
I was a happy little fangirl yesterday, because Epik High's latest release, a mini album called LOVESCREAM, came out! I love it, it's great! It's got a couple of songs in their usual, upbeat hiphop style but it's also got some instrumental tracks on there, really pretty little pieces that are melodic and somehow a little bit dark, similiar to some of the instrumental pieces on their Remapping the Human Soul and Pieces, Part One albums.
If you've got a Naver account, you'll be able to listen to previews of the album over on Naver. You need to use IE though, the music player isn't so friendly when you try using Firefox. And if you click the little orange TV icon next to 1분 1초, you'll be able to watch the music video (or you... Show more
September 24, 2008
Boybands & girlbands & rockstars & … reggae!?
Ah~ I feel like my recent wait for the things that were going to be released ended in a bit of an anticlimax.
Boyband 東方神起 made their comeback with their 주문 -MIROTIC- MV, which you can watch here. I like the MV itself, but the song ... well, I don't hate it, but it's really not what I was expecting from them. It does have a slightly more mature and sexy edge to it but it could have been so much more impressive.
R&B artist M also made a comeback with the release of his album, M RIZING, yesterday and the MV for 남자를 믿지마, featuring Big Tone. You can see the MV here! M RIZING was a bit of a disappointment for me. M composed a lot of the songs for his previous album, which I was really excited about, but sadly for this album... Show more
September 17, 2008
I don't know if it's just my strange perception of things, but I think the Korean music scene has been rather quiet these past couple of weeks. I think it's a case of timing - most groups that have had something come out recently are nearing the mid-way or even end of their single's promotion run, for some artists it's about time for them to switch to their album's second promotional track, for other's it's time for them to slowly fade back into the background while they prepare something new.
But I also feel like it's a bit of a case of the calm before the storm, though that is just my own personal view of what's going on right now - I am, after all, currently holding my breath for the release of Epik High's new mini album Love Scream... Show more
September 10, 2008
안녕하세요, 여러분! 오랜만이에요~
Wow, it's been a long time since I last posted here. April 1st, to be exact! These past 5 months have passed by so quickly, it doesn't even feel like it's been 5 months. I've been really busy with Uni this year, even though it's only part time. It's quite odd, but part time study seems to take up almost as much time as full time study does!
I've been doing Linguistics this year, and since the weekend I've been putting together my final essay. At the beginning of October I'll have my final exam ... but it doesn't stop there! I'm trying to get together some random studies so that I have a better chance of getting into the university that I want to go to in September 2009 (The School of Oriental and African Studies!). So, at the end of... Show more
September 4, 2008
I MET BRIAN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you've known me for more than 15 minutes, you probably know that I really am a 13 year old fangirl at heart. This was proven last week, when Brian Joo from Fly To The Sky came here to NYC.
First, let me just say that I've never seen a real live kpop performance. It just didn't happen in Nashville. So, when I moved to NYC, I was hoping to get to see someone (anyone, really) perform here. Then, my first day in the city, I saw a poster saying that Brian was coming! I immediately went online and found out how to buy a ticket.
So, the big weekend finally came. Brian was doing an autograph signing at a cafe on Saturday, and I met another non-korean kpop fan here, so we decided to go together. We got in line at about 4pm and... Show more