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Archive for the 'Korean Music' Category

Outsider – Korean Rapper Famous for Ultrafast Rapping

After way too long, 아웃사이더 or Outsider is back! He debuted in 2004 with the EP Come Outside, releasing the Speed Star single in 2006, and then his first album Soliloquist in October of 2007. It's been a long wait since then, but now he's back, with his second album MAESTRO. Outsider is a hiphop artist, and one of the things he's best known for is his ultrafast speed rapping. I love it. I have no idea how anyone can possibly rap that fast. His first album featured other hiphop artists such as my personal favourites MC Sniper, 배치기 and Simon Dominic, as well as Mr.room9, BK and 샛별. His second album was a little different from his first, a bit less nittygritty hiphop and with slightly more pop and dance influence. I love pure hiphop but I... Show more

너라고 (It’s You)

Super Junior are gearing up to release the repackaged version of their third album SORRY, SORRY. It's being called 'Version C' since they know how to suck all your money out of you, and already released two different versions (different covers and booklets, same tracks) of the album back in March. This repackaged version though comes with a new photo concept, as well as four new songs. One of those songs is 너라고 (It's You), which will be promoted as their next single, now that SORRY, SORRY (the song, not the album) is ending it's run. It's written by E-Tribe, the composer behind the super catchy will-never-get-out-of-your-head Gee, by 소녀시대, as well as pop queen 이효리's U-Go-Girl. But fear not, because 너라고 (It's You) isn't cute... Show more

May is Family Month – Save 30%!

The Month of May in Korea is often called Family Month. There's Children's Day, Parent's Day, and Teacher's Day. Korea takes Mother's Day to a whole different level! On these days you give your Children, Parents and Teachers gifts to show them how much you appreciate them. Children often benefit the most with candy and money being popular gifts. Teachers get quite a lot of gifts as well as they have many students and parents to receive gifts from. And that's why the month of May is called Family month in Korea! Well... did you learn something new about Korea? If you did, you'll be glad to know that you'll learn cultural tidbits in every single lesson at KoreanClass101.com! In every lesson, not only will you learn Korean that will... Show more

2NE1 – was their debut hot like Fire?

Are you a fan of Epik High? Over at KoME we're in the final stages of putting together a video shoutout for Epik High and MYK, consisting of videos, pictures, and messages from fans. You can participate in English, or in your native language. If you're interested in taking part, you can check out the project here. Submission deadlines are May 10th but if you really want to take part but need a few extra days then just email me and I'll wait for you. So, YG Entertainment have a new group. Marketed as the 'female Big Bang', 2NE1 first appeared not too long ago, promoting one of the new LG cellphones. The promotion campaign involved the catchy song Lollipop, which they performed with Big Bang, and an accompanying MV. Although I quite... Show more

When the music starts, all people are the same

Before I say anything else: over on KoME we had the chance to interview the very successful, and my personal favourite, hiphop trio Epik High. We asked them about their upcoming album Map The Soul, their musical influences, and they even gave us their opinions on issues such as censorship in the Korean music industry (something I wrote about last year right here), and music in the digital era. You can check out the interview here. They had plenty to say! So. 서태지 is on a mission to foil my plans every Wednesday. The MV for Juliet still isn't out yet (okay, so I have no idea when it's even supposed to be released, but considering how long the single has been out now I just assumed the MV would be out already too). But there is a 15... Show more