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Archive for the 'Korean Music' Category

How To Learn Korean with Korean Dramas

We always see this kind of advice on the Internet: “You should listen to Korean songs, it helped me to quickly progress” or “There is nothing better than Korean dramas without subtitles for learning Korean”. Can you really learn a language without much effort by watching K-dramas? Following this advice can bring many advantages: Attuning your ears to Korean by listening to native speakers Boosting your vocabulary Boosting your dialogue-related listening comprehension Letting you hear a language used in context Learning passively while having fun At the end of the day, it seems like a great idea, but in reality it’s not totally true… Actually, it varies! We definitely recommend that you expose yourself to a lot of... Show more

Super Girls, Ninja Assassins, and More Monsters

I won't even waste words with this one, when the video needs no words. At all. Epik High should parody more movies. This was amazing XD So excited for their album , and very sad that it wasn't on iTunes yet when I rolled out of bed this morning. I'm not normally one who favours subgroups more than the actual main group, but in the case of Super Junior the opposite is true for me. I love their Chinese subgroup, Super Junior M, so much more than I have been loving the main group in recent months. Super Junior M is made up of 5 members from the main group: 동해 (Donghae), 규현 (Kyuhyun), 한긍 (Hangeng, also known as 한경 (Hankyung)), 려욱 (Ryeowook) and 시원 (Siwon). The remaining 2 members, Zhou Mi and Henry, are members of only this... Show more

Monsters, Netizens and Jabba the Hutt

I've only recently found myself getting into JYP Entertainment R&B boyband 2PM. 2PM was originally part of the 11 member group One Day, but in the end JYP split them into two: the seven member R&B/dance focused 2PM, and the four member ballad focused 2AM. 2PM is made of 재범 (Jaebum, also known as Jay), 준수 (Junsu), half-Thai half-Chinese 닉쿤 (Nichkhun), 택연 (Taecyeon), 우영 (Wooyoung), 준호 (Junho), and 찬성 (Chansung). Their debut single was 10점 만점에 10점, released in September last year, and although it was a decent enough song it wasn't until earlier this year and the release of their second mini album, 2:00 PM Time For Change, that their popularity really took off. Again & Again was a definite hit, snagging the group their first... Show more

GD Giveaway, f(x) Debut & 박효신 Returns

Remember G-Dragon's solo effort Heartbreaker? Well my favourite fanboy and good friend Alex has arranged a contest where he will be giving away several copies of the album. You can check out the contest here! There's 4 copies of the album to be won from 4 different categories, as well as a copy of 2NE1's debut album. The contest closes on October 1st and winners will be announced a few days later. SM Entertainment (the engine behind TVXQ, Super Junior, SHINee, SNSD) have recently unveiled their newest project - a five member girlgroup by the name of f(x) (에프엑스). f(x) consists of members 빅토리아 (Victoria), 크리스탈 (Krystal), 엠버 (Amber), 설리 (Sulli), and 루나 (Luna). Since I've been preparing to move away to go to university in London,... Show more

G-Dragon’s a Heartbreaker

Yesterday 빅뱅 (Big Bang)'s leader G-Dragon released his first solo album Heartbreaker. As one of 빅뱅's two main rappers, G-Dragon has been praised before as an up and coming songwriter, having been involved in the composition process for 빅뱅 songs 거짓말 (Lies, which was the group's breakthrough single), But I Love U, rock-rap 빅뱅-No Brain collaboration Oh My Friend, and Strong Baby. With some super catchy and pretty solid tunes under his belt, it comes as no surprise that all eyes were on this solo album and that expectations were pretty high. What do you think of Heartbreaker, the titletrack of the solo album? There's been some very mixed reactions. I, personally, find the song enjoyable and catchy, even though it's nothing too... Show more