Archive for the 'How Koreans Do It' Category
July 14, 2009
Korean Flight Attendants and why I should live on an airplane
Korean Flight Attendants
I hate traveling. Driving is lame. Airports make me nervous. Airplanes provide an expensive and ultimately unsatisfying napping experience. But on a Korean company's airplane, you will find little to complain about (other than the fourteen hour flight). Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the fine men and women that make up the flight attendants of Korean Air and Asiana Airlines.
Let's talk about the flight attendants. They are young, let me tell you. Younger than their average Western counterpart. I don't have numbers to prove it (which is usually a bad sign, but hey) but think about it. American flight attendants are working a job. They represent a fairly broad age demographic - some young, some old.... Show more
July 7, 2009
Laugh Track 2.0 (or How I learned to love Korean TV post production)
Korean post production.
It's annoying as all get out. It's unnecessary. It's shiny. It's colorful. It's embarrassing. It's a staple. One cannot watch Korean TV without noticed the astronomical amount of post production. You've seen it - even if you never noticed it before.
May 12 1956 marked a special day in Korean history. The event? The first Korean television broadcast. Small but soon to become a mind-numbing ritual for families all over the country. This ingenious invention might not have inspired the miracle on the han but it may have at least entertained the masses.
Now, it doesn't take much to know that much of early imported media came from Japan. Yes, Korea's history with Japanese media is rather interesting given the... Show more
June 30, 2009
Eat (or how not to run your mouth, gross everyone out and make enemies) in Korea
Korean eating habits.
Rule number one: Shut your mouth.
Rule number two: Eat.
Rule number three: Enjoy your food. It's insanely good.
Typical eating habits in America include a lively conversation, witty remarks, and Matthew breaking all the ladies' hearts an overall pleasant dining experience. Everything follows a prescribed rule and your actions are subtly noticed. Do you reach for the bill immediately? Do you order appetizers? Do you make a mess of yourself? Do you know the difference between a salad fork and a dinner fork? Are you polite to the server? Do you talk on your cellphone at the table? Do you tip at least 20%? Do you chew with your mouth open? Do you finish the whole meal?
By and large, I find... Show more
June 23, 2009
Korean Stuff in Texas – Part Three – Dallas
Listeners Unite!
In part three of our Korean Stuff in Texas series, we take a look at beautiful Dallas, TX. As with the other parts in this series, there's no way I can cover all of the Korean establishments in this fair city, but I would still like to share with everyone the places that I have come to enjoy.
Dallas, as one can expect, offers a bit more than, say, Denton. It's a big city with a rich history. However, like Carrollton, it has a concentration of Korean businesses in a section of downtown known as Harry Hines and/or Royal Lane.
Harry Hines doesn't exactly have the best reputation but it is what it is. It's home to the best 노래방, 찜질방 and restaurants. Take the good with the bad, right? So, let's take a look at the... Show more
June 16, 2009
Korean Stuff in Texas – Part Two – Carrollton
Listeners Unite!
Part two in our Korean Stuff in Texas series. Today's focus will be on Carrollton, TX. Again, this series is based on my own personal opinions and viewpoints. There is certainly plenty more to talk about but I'll just focus on the few points that I'm familiar with. With that said, let's take a look at something that is of interest to everyone!
Yes yes, the great equalizer. The grocery store. Young and old, rich and poor, everyone needs groceries. So what is a good ol' country boy with a hankerin' for some kimchi to do? Where might he go to get some delectable side dishes? Where can he find a bottle of the finest Korean spirits?
H Mart.
(full-sized map download link)
H Mart might have questionable... Show more