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Archive for the 'KClass Videos' Category

Korean Reading Practice for Beginners #2

Korean Reading Practice for Beginners #2 is here! You can practice pronouncing the basic vowels in Korean using this video. If you can't watch the video, please click the following link.

Korean Reading Practice for Beginners #1

Hi all, 현우 here. We've made a new video to help beginners improve their Korean reading skills. This video is the first one of the five in the series. Hope you'll enjoy watching it, and repeating after the sounds! And be sure to subscribe to the KoreanClass101 Youtube Channel as well so you can get the new videos as soon as they're updated ^^ Thank you!

Korean Phrases with “Suddenly”

Hi everyone. Hyunwoo here. I've made a video to introduce some common phrases using the word "갑자기" (gapjagi), meaning "suddenly". I hope this will be of some help! If you can't watch the video here, click on the direct link below. Thank you!

Skype Conversation Video with John

Here's another Skype conversaion video ^^! John joined me and recorded this dialog with me. Thank you John for your time ^_^!

Skype Conversation with Theresa

오랜만에 비디오를 하나 만들었어요 ^^a Theresa랑 저랑, Skype에서 만나서 한국어로 이야기한 비디오예요. It's a video of Theresa and me talking to each other on Skype. 하지만 사실은 Newbie S2 - 13의 대화 내용을 조금 바꾼 거예요. But in fact this is a slightly modified version from the Newbie S2 - 13 dialog. 재미있게 보세요! Enjoy watching! Thank you Theresa for your time! :)