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Archive for the 'KClass Videos' Category

Answer me in Korean #1

Watch the video, and please answer the question in Korean only. ^^

Really Simple Korean Conversation #3

Really Simple Korean Conversation #3 Cast: Emily (listener/blogger of KoreanClass101.com) Matthew (listener/blogger of KoreanClass101.com) Max (listener of KoreanClass101.com) Hyunwoo (host of KoreanClass101.com) Gyeong-eun (host of KoreanClass101.com) You too can participate! If you want to participate in the video, email us at contactus@koreanclass101.com ! :)

Really Simple Korean Conversation #2

Really Simple Korean Conversation #2 Featuring Gyeong-eun (Host of KoreanClass101.com) Hyunwoo (Host of KoreanClass101.com) Emily (Listener/Blogger of KoreanClass101.com) Matthew (Listener/Blogger of KoreanClass101.com) Max (Listener of KoreanClass101.com)

Really Simple Korean Conversation #1

Really Simple Korean Conversations - Video #1 Featuring: Hyunwoo (Host of KoreanClass101.com), Kyeong-eun (Host of KoreanClass101.com), Emily (Listener & Blogger of KoreanClass101.com) and Matthew (Listener & Blogger of KoreanClass101.com). Script by Emily.

Korean Reading Practice for Beginners #3

Korean Reading Practice for Beginners #3 is here! You can practice pronouncing some combinations of consonants and vowels using this video. If you can't watch the video, please click the following link.