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The 5 Most Common Mistakes Korean Learners Make

Learning a new language isn’t easy; it takes time and effort. Many Korean learners are too afraid to start speaking Korean because they’re scared of making mistakes. But it’s important to understand that you can’t improve your Korean if you don't keep trying. It's okay to make mistakes—it’s how you become better at Korean!  Today, we’ll introduce the five most common mistakes Korean learners make. We’ll focus on Korean language mistakes in grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. In addition, we’ll give you information on how you can improve your Korean and make fewer mistakes. Table of Contents Korean Pronunciation Mistakes - 합니다 (hamnida) and 같이 (gachi) Vocabulary Word Mistakes - 이 (i) / 가 (ga) and 은 (eun) /는 (neun) ... Show more

10 Common Questions in Korean and How to Answer Them

One of the most important language skills to attain is the ability to ask and answer different questions appropriately. This is because once you understand them, you’ll be able to hold conversations with native speakers of that language. Today, KoreanClass101 will introduce you to the ten most common questions and answers in Korean at different levels of speech. In Korea, there are many speech levels that you can utilize when conversing with people. There are three commonly used speech levels: formal (business level), formal, and informal. Table of Contents What is your name? Where are you from? Do you speak ? How long have you been studying ? Have you been to ? Do you like food? What are you doing? ... Show more

The TOPIK Test: Tips for Getting a High Score

TOPIK is the most popular Korean language proficiency test in the world. For those of you who don’t know much about the TOPIK Korean exam, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll provide you with tons of relevant and practical information about the test. If you’ve already decided to take the exam, you should stick around too. We’re going to give you lots of tips on how to get a high score on the TOPIK, and provide you with many free Korean study materials. Table of Contents Korean Proficiency Tests Let’s Learn More About TOPIK A Look Inside the TOPIK Korean Test Tips for Your TOPIK Exam Practice Get Ready for TOPIK with KoreanClass101 1. Korean Proficiency Tests  Let’s take a look at what Korean... Show more

Learn Basic Korean Sentence Patterns with KoreanClass101

Have you ever wanted to say something in Korean, but you just couldn’t express it because you struggled to structure sentences in your head?  We feel you.  In fact, every language-learner will experience this at some point. But don’t worry anymore; as long as you master these basic Korean sentence patterns, you’ll be able to express yourself much more easily and generate hundreds of natural sentences with ease and confidence. Table of Contents Linking Two Nouns: "A is B." Using Adjectives to Describe Nouns: "A is (Adjective)" Various Korean Sentence Structures to Express "Want" Various Sentence Patterns to Say You Like Something Politely Asking Someone to Do Something Asking for Permission Asking for... Show more

List of 100 Korean Adverbs

According to YourDictionary, an adverb is a part of speech that describes either a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They can also add description to phrases, clauses, or sentences. Now, let’s see if you can spot an adverb in a sentence:  오후 내내 자고 싶어요. Ohu naenae jago sipeoyo. "I want to sleep all afternoon." Were you able to spot the adverb? In that sentence, 내내 (naenae), which means "all through," is the Korean adverb. If you couldn't find it this time, don’t worry. Today, we’ll teach you how to make Korean adverbs three different ways, and show you a list of 100 frequently used Korean adverbs.  By the end of the article, you’ll be able to:  Detect Korean adverbs in sentences Know Korean adverb rules and how to... Show more