사진 찍어 주세요. Please take my picture.

Please take my picture

Korea is full of beautiful scenery, and there are times when you and your family and friends will want to take a picture together. Therefore, the phrase, “Please take my picture.” in Korean will be very useful!

사진 찍어 주세요. (Sajin jjigeo juseyo.): Please take my picture.

The first word is sajin (사진), “picture,” or “photograph.” The next word is jjikeo (찍어). This word literally means “print,” or “stamp.” In this context it’s the verb used when taking a picture. Last is juseyo (주세요), or “please.” Altogether the phrase is sajin jjikeo juseyo which literally means “picture, snap, please.”

Now in English, before someone takes a picture, the person taking the picture may say, “1, 2, 3… Cheese.” But in Korean we usually say: 하나, 둘, 셋 김치. (Hana, dul, set kimchi.) – One, two, three… cheese (Kimchi)

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