When I leave…

It is spring in Korea, and summer is probably just a week or two away.  It makes me think about when I’m planning to leave.  My contract finishes at the end of August.  That’s more than 4 months from now, but of course will come much faster than I expect.

Anyway, it brings up an important issue regarding the orphanage.  Those kids are used to seeing me on a regular basis over the past two years, and soon enough, I won’t be coming around at all.  So I am starting to think about how I can make my exit without causing a lot of trauma.  There isn’t a lot of consistency in their lives, and the mere fact thay live at an orphanage means that some deal with abandonment issues, so it is no simple matter to extract myself from their lives and leave them with some positive memories.

I’d love hear what your thoughts about this are.  These kids are pretty resilient, they will survive just fine without me, but I do want to minimize any fallout.

So, what do you think?