형제나 자매가 있습니까? Do you know how to answer this question?

Do you know how to answer this question?

형제 또는 자매 (hyeongje ttoneun jamae): brothers or sisters

Here is the way to ask if someone has brothers or sisters:

  • 형제나 자매가 있습니까? – Do you have brothers or sisters?

Here are some ways to answer the question:

  • 여동생이 있습니다. – I have a younger sister.
  • 형이 있습니다. (오빠가 있습니다.) – I have an older brother.
  • 누나가 있습니다. (언니가 있습니다.) – I have an older sister.

Do you have brothers or sisters?

Click here and leave your answer!

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