Korean Word of the Day – carrot (noun)

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당근 (danggeun) carrot (noun)

당근은 흔히 주황색입니다.
Danggeuneun heunhi juhwangsaegimnida.
Carrots are usually orange in color.

고추, 브로콜리, 호박, 리크, 당근, 가지, 그리고 양상추는 모두 야채입니다.
Gochu, beurokolli, hobak, rikeu, danggeun, gaji, geurigo yangsangchuneun modu yachaeimnida.
Peppers, broccoli, zucchini, leeks, carrots, eggplants, and lettuce are all vegetables.

당근은 맛이 없어요.
Danggeuneun masi eobsseoyo.
“Carrots are not delicious.”

주황색 당근
juhwangsaek danggeun
orange carrot

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