Korean Word of the Day – turn on (verb)

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켜다 (kyeoda) turn on (verb)

뉴스를 보려면 텔레비전을 켜세요.
Nyuseureul boryeomyeon tellebijeoneul kyeoseyo.
Turn on the television, so we can watch the news.

남자가 불을 켠다.
Namjaga bureul kyeonda.
The man turns on the light.

남자가 불을 켰다.
Namjaga bureul kyeotta.
The man turned on the light.

남자가 불을 켜고 있다.
Namjaga bureul kyeogo itta.
The man is turning on the light.

텔레비전을 켜다
tellebijeoneul kyeoda
turn on the TV

불을 켜다
bureul kyeoda
turn on a light

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