Mini Korean Lessons on Twitter – Korean Words Related to Transportation

Thanks to everyone who has been following us on Twitter!

Here at we think that Twitter is great for communication and sharing information. We also think it makes for a powerful learning tool! So starting today, we’ll be introducing Korean vocabulary and phrases daily on Twitter that follow a set theme.

The third theme will be words that are related to transportation.

For each mini lesson, you will get one noun or verb, and then one or two sample sentences showing you how the word can be used.

So don’t forget to follow us on Twitter!


Leave us some feedback and if you have any suggestions for our next vocab themes, let us know!

Good luck with your studies!

#1 지하철 (jihacheol) = subway trains / 지하철 타고 왔어요. (I came here by subway.) 지하철이 가장 빨라요. (The subway is the fastest.)


#2 표 (pyo) = ticket / 지하철 표 있어요? (Do you have a subway ticket?) 표 어디에서 샀어요? (Where did you buy the ticket?)


#3 버스 (beoseu) = bus / 버스에 사람이 너무 많아요. (There are too many people on the bus.) 버스로 갈아타야 돼요. (We have to transfer to a bus.)


Click here to follow us on Twitter and see more updates on these mini lessons!