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G-Dragon’s a Heartbreaker

Yesterday 빅뱅 (Big Bang)’s leader G-Dragon released his first solo album Heartbreaker. As one of 빅뱅’s two main rappers, G-Dragon has been praised before as an up and coming songwriter, having been involved in the composition process for 빅뱅 songs 거짓말 (Lies, which was the group’s breakthrough single), But I Love U, rock-rap 빅뱅-No Brain collaboration Oh My Friend, and Strong Baby.

With some super catchy and pretty solid tunes under his belt, it comes as no surprise that all eyes were on this solo album and that expectations were pretty high.

[youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOXEVd-Z7NE 490 409]

What do you think of Heartbreaker, the titletrack of the solo album?

There’s been some very mixed reactions. I, personally, find the song enjoyable and catchy, even though it’s nothing too amazing. I also really love his look, and the MV itself. My favourite fanboy likes the concept, although diehard G-Dragon fangirls who think the man can do no wrong go further and praise the song as being unique and different and inspirational (oh, fangirls …). By slightly more mentally stable fans and netizens alike, however, he has been accused of copying Lady Gaga’s style, and for ripping off the beats of Flo Rida.

I think people need to stop taking pop so seriously. 90% of what floats around the pop scene is stuff that has already been done before, by one person or another. That’s the whole point of pop – it’s popular. Of course that isn’t an excuse to be unoriginal, but if it’s enjoyable and catchy then it’s enjoyable and catchy. That’s why pop is pop. What’s “in” is what sells. What isn’t “in”, is a risk – you’ll either set the next new trend, or be ignored.

I would definitely however have preferred to hear G-Dragon doing something a little more like the tunes he’s written for 빅뱅. He can definitely write some awesome songs – Heartbreaker does not rank among them. Maybe there was too much pressure and too much work, since the solo album was already delayed for a few months in the first place, due to G-Dragon being overworked. I think it may have been better for the creative juices if it had been a digital single or a 4 or 5 track mini-album rather than an entire 10 track album.

It is though nice to hear G-Dragon go solo, with collaborations with Jin Jung, Dara and CL from 2NE1, vocal legend 김건모 (Kim Gun Mo), 빅뱅 buddy 태양 (Taeyang), Teddy of 1TYM fame, and KUSH.

Fingers crossed that the next time he releases something, it’ll be something a little more refreshing and different.