SS501 – a boyband’s comeback

SS501 (pronounced as Double S five oh one, or Double S 오공일), are one of the boybands that I think are pretty underated. Signed under DSP Entertainment (A’ST1, Kara, and previously 이효리), this five member boyband has been around since 2005. I’ve often wondered if perhaps the lack of the spotlight has been due in part to the fact that they debuted in the same year as Super Junior, who kind of sucked up all the fangirls into this big black hole and didn’t let them back out for a long time.

Consisting of 현중 (who played the role of 지후 in 꽃보다 남자 or Boys Over Flowers), 규종, 영생, 정민 and 형준, SS501 have had a fair amount of success in Japan as well as in Korea. Recently they’ve been getting more attention than usual, because of 현중’s participation in 꽃보다 남자.

They’re set to make their comeback later this month with a 20 minute MV music drama, which comes in five parts – each part being a member’s solo. I really like the way they’re doing this, because it gives each member the chance to show what they can do on their own. So far three of five teasers have been released. I’m not too fussed about 규종’s Wuzz Up, but 형준’s Hey G sounds alright and he’s looking pretty fine.

So far my favourite of the teasers would have to be 현중’s 잘해줘 제발:

[youtube: 490 409]

I am really liking what I can hear of that song.

I’m looking forward to seeing what 영생 and 정민 will come out with, and I’m definitely looking forward to hearing 정민 for an entire song, he’s got a lovely voice.

But these teasers don’t do much to show who and what SS501 are. So, I bring you some good ol’ MVs.

[youtube: 490 409]
Unlock is one of my favourites, and if they made music like this all the time, I’d be a pretty happy person. But they mix it up with cute tracks like 겁쟁이, and things like 4chance.

Over the past several months though, I personally think that they’ve been bringing it better, hotter, and catchier than they have in the past.

[youtube: 490 409]
널 부르는 노래 might not have matched 소녀시대’s Gee virus, but I think it’s a super fun and catchy song.

[youtube: 490 409]
And despite only featuring three of them (현중 was doing 꽃보다 남자 and 정민 was playing Danny for the musical Grease), U R Man is one of my favourite SS501 songs.

I’m hoping that they stick more to this smoother, sexier image, and I’m glad that although they might not have enjoyed quite as much as success and spotlight as some of the other boybands, that they’ve stuck around anyway and are still going strong.