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Outsider – Korean Rapper Famous for Ultrafast Rapping

After way too long, 아웃사이더 or Outsider is back! He debuted in 2004 with the EP Come Outside, releasing the Speed Star single in 2006, and then his first album Soliloquist in October of 2007. It’s been a long wait since then, but now he’s back, with his second album MAESTRO.

Outsider is a hiphop artist, and one of the things he’s best known for is his ultrafast speed rapping. I love it. I have no idea how anyone can possibly rap that fast.

His first album featured other hiphop artists such as my personal favourites MC Sniper, 배치기 and Simon Dominic, as well as Mr.room9, BK and 샛별. His second album was a little different from his first, a bit less nittygritty hiphop and with slightly more pop and dance influence. I love pure hiphop but I also love it when hiphop artists aren’t afraid of branching out and trying some different beats and styles. His second album features the talents of Basick, Swagger, JOY, 배치기, MC Sniper, L.E.O and plenty more.

The first single to be promoted from MAESTRO is 외톨이:

[youtube:https://youtube.com/watch?v=LRM1_H0t5iU 490 409]

And here’s 남자답게, from his first album Soliloquist:

[youtube:https://youtube.com/watch?v=UOrBNmQVUFw 490 409]