Hey fellow KC101ers! I’m reviving this category for a brief moment to share with you a video I made recently. It’s a class speech I wrote (with extensive help from my teacher I might add) back in July of this year during my brief time at 이대.
This speech was supposed to be the culmination of what all we had learned. I was in the beginner class and was nominated to deliver the speech. How nice. The problem is that I’m lousy at verbal communication in any language and I’m an awful reader to boot. So, when you combine this with a sweet country boy’s accent you get a recipe for pure hilarity. I tried to read my speech from a crumbled piece of paper on stage in front of my peers and teachers. No dice. I got so nervous that my leg started jittering uncontrollably and my voice was shakin like a salt shaker. It was bad. And to go from bad to worse, I got so flustered that I said an unmentionable Korean cuss word softly into a microphone. Not smart. Fuel to a fire.
So, this video is my redemption. It’s not perfect but it’s twenty times better than what my peers heard on that fateful afternoon. I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. We are all students of the language and I believe we can all benefit from constructive criticism.
Watch the video here
[youtube:https://youtube.com/watch?v=C_j_0Tz7ysc 490 409]
여러분 안녕하십니까? 제 이름은 매튜 스미스입니다. 미국에서 왔습니다. 우리 반에는 한국어 선생님이 두 명 있습니다. 우리 선생님 성함은 김하령, 전혜원입니다. 김 선생님은 친절한 분이 십니다. 그리고 전 선생님은 인내심이 많은 분이십니다. 우리는 자기 소개, 취미, 집, 날짜, 가족, 하루 일과를 공부했습니다. 또 우리 반 친구들 과 같이 노래방 과 찜질방을 갔습니다. 재미있었습니다. 저는 우리 반을 아주 좋아합니다. 그리고 우리 반 선생님께 정말 감사합니다. 그래서 제가 선생님를께 선물하고 싶습니다….들어주셔서 감사합니다.