Jaehwi: Hi everyone. Welcome back to Korean Weekly Words. I am Jaehwi. I can’t even pronounce my name. Hi everyone. Welcome back to Korean Weekly Words. I am Jaehwi and let’s see what we have for this week. This week’s theme is your face. What do you have on your face? Okay let’s see what we have. |
First we have 귀 (gwi) ears. In Korean, we don’t say ears even though you have two ears or three years, we just call you like 귀 (gwi) which is singular form. One ear 귀 (gwi) two ears 귀 (gwi) too. With that word, you can say 귀가 큰 사람은 복이 많습니다. (Gwiga keun sarameun bogi mansseumnida.) which means “Those who have big ears have a lot of good look.” So it’s kind of a myth among Korean people. |
Okay next we have 입 (ip) which means “mouth.” Yeah there are some people like who think that this character 입 (ip) it looks like someone’s face and this kind of you know ㅂ (bieup) character looks like someone’s mouth. It’s something like this. Okay when you want to say open mouth, you have to say 입을 열다 (ibeul yeolda) when you want to say about closing your mouth, you have to say 입을 닫다 (ibeul datda). Okay with that word, you can say 너무 놀라서 입을 다물 수 없었습니다. (Neomu nollaseo ibeul damul su eopseotsseumnida.) which means “I was so surprised that I couldn’t close my mouth.” What kind of situation can that happen? I got on the subway and there was one old lady and then she just threw her bag to an empty seat and the bag just slides down on the top of the seat and then she just ran there and just grabbed her bag and just take a seat and it was rush hour train so... And that’s the moment that you can say 너무 놀라서 입을 다물 수 없었습니다. (Neomu nollaseo ibeul damul su eopseotsseumnida.) |
Okay next we have 볼 (bol) which means “cheek.” With that word, you can say 저는 볼에 보조개가 있습니다. (Jeoneun bore bojogaega itsseumnida.) which means “I have dimples on my cheeks.” Do I have? |
Okay next we have 이마 (ima) which means “forehead.” With the word, you can say 이마를 땅에 부딪혔습니다. (Imareul ttange budichyeotsseumnida.) which means “I just hit my forehead to the ground.” No, no, never ending. I have this one, this one, this one, this one. |
턱 (teok) which means chin. Okay with that word, you can say 제 조카는 주걱턱을 가지고 있습니다. (Je jokaneun jugeokteogeul gajigo itsseumnida.) which means “My nephew has a chin that looks like a big rice spoon.” Take out rice with this big spoon and if you look at closely, that’s kind of curved and when someone has a chin curved a little bit like that, then you say 주걱턱 (jugeokteok) which means chin that looks like big rice spoon. |
Okay next we have. Okay that’s the end. Oh yeah, okay I will see you next week. 다음 시간에 뵙겠습니다. (Daeum sigane boepgetsseumnida.) 안녕히 계세요. (Annyeonghi gyeseyo.) Oh we have lot of words. |
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Hi Ivan,
It seems you're referring to 됐어(dwesseo), which means 'enough', 'okay, that's it'. :smile:
Team KoreanClass101.com
I'm sorry I have unrelated question again...
In Korean dramas I hear wery often in the conversation somethink like "ttesso" or "ttoesso" but I definetly miss the right sound. Not knowing how to spell it, I can't findi it in the dictionary.
The translations are simillar but not the same (in subtitles) - like "let it be", "stop it", "enough for now".
Can you please help me out with this word?
Thaks a lot.
Hi Trace,
Thanks for your comment!
I agree with your comment. :laughing:
Team KoreanClass101.com
Jae was so happy in this one! 좋아해! You guys must have a fun office environment!