
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Minkyong: 여러분 민경입니다. (Yeoreobun Mingyeongimnida.)
Keith: Hey Keith here. Turn Left, Turn Right. Hello and welcome to the Beginner series, season 3 at KoreanClass101.com where we study modern Korean in a fun, educational format.
Minkyong: So brush up on the Korean that you started learning long ago or start learning today.
Keith: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Mingyong, what are we taking a look at in this lesson?
Minkyong: In this lesson, you will learn how to give directions and also say if it’s hard or easy to do something.
Keith: The conversation is between the 101 식당 주인, the 101 Restaurant manager or owner and Mingyong who is ordering a food, that’s you.
Minkyong: The speakers are strangers. Therefore the speakers will be speaking formal Korean 존댓말.
Keith: Okay so why don’t we take a listen to Mingyong.
Minkyong: 들어봅시다.
식당 주인: 네. 감사합니다. 101 식당입니다.
민경: 저기요... 거기 찾기 힘들어요?
식당 주인: 아니요. 찾기 쉬워요. 제가 알기 쉽게 설명해 드릴게요.
민경: 아. 예.
식당 주인: 사거리에서 왼쪽으로 돌면 큰 건물이 있어요.
민경: 아... 네. 큰 건물이요?
식당 주인: 네. 그 건물에서, 다시 100미터 가서, 오른쪽으로 돌면 은행이 있어요. 거기서 15분 걸으면 아파트가 있어요. 그 아파트에서 왼쪽으로 200미터 걸으면 저희 식당이 있어요. 찾기 쉽죠?
민경: 저기요... 배달은 안 돼요?
Minkyong: 한번 더 천천히
식당 주인: 네. 감사합니다. 101 식당입니다.
Keith: Hello, thank you for calling 101 Restaurant.
민경: 저기요... 거기 찾기 힘들어요?
Keith: Excuse me, is your restaurant difficult to find?
식당 주인: 아니요. 찾기 쉬워요. 제가 알기 쉽게 설명해 드릴게요.
Keith: I'll explain it in a way that’s easy to understand.
민경: 아. 예.
Keith: Oh, okay.
식당 주인: 사거리에서 왼쪽으로 돌면 큰 건물이 있어요.
Keith: If you turn left from the intersection, there's a big building.
민경: 아... 네. 큰 건물이요?
Keith: Oh, okay. A big building?
식당 주인: 네. 그 건물에서, 다시 100미터 가서, 오른쪽으로 돌면 은행이 있어요. 거기서 15분 걸으면 아파트가 있어요. 그 아파트에서 왼쪽으로 200미터 걸으면 저희 식당이 있어요. 찾기 쉽죠?
Keith: Yes. From the building, go 100 meters more, turn right, and you will see a bank. From there, walk for 15 minutes, there's an apartment there, and walk 200 meters to the left from there, and you'll see our restaurant. It's easy to find, right?
민경: 저기요... 배달은 안 돼요?
Keith: Well... Do you have delivery service?
Minkyong: 역시 배달이 제일 좋아요.
Keith: Delivery, but one thing about the conversation. It’s a bit hard to find your way in Korea, isn’t it?
Minkyong: Yeah in Korea, there is not a lot of street names. So everyone has to say we are across the street from the 편의점. We are in front of McDonalds, that’s maybe in front of 스타 노래방
Keith: Yeah I have noticed that a lot too. In Korea, it is pretty hard to give directions because there is no street names and you always have to refer to things in relation to some place. Mingyong where do you live? 어디서 살아요?
Minkyong: 어디서 살아요?
Keith: Okay and where is that?
Minkyong: It’s in front of pizza hut.
Keith: Okay. So you can eat a lot of pizza when you want.
Minkyong: Yeah.
Keith: Okay. Just like that, there is a lot of places referred to as across the street, in front of, behind.
Minkyong: Yes because we don’t use street names. Nobody knows street names.
Keith: Well we don’t have any street names in our vocabulary list but what do we have first?
Keith: The first word we have is?
Minkyong: 거기 [natural native speed]
Keith: There
Minkyong: 거기 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 거기 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next?
Minkyong: 식당 [natural native speed]
Keith: Restaurant
Minkyong: 식당 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 식당 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next?
Minkyong: 찾다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To search for, to look for
Minkyong: 찾다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 찾다 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에
Minkyong: 힘들다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To be difficult, to be arduous
Minkyong: 힘들다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 힘들다 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에
Minkyong: 쉽다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To be easy
Minkyong: 쉽다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 쉽다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next?
Minkyong: 설명하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To explain
Minkyong: 설명하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 설명하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next?
Minkyong: 아파트 [natural native speed]
Keith: Apartment
Minkyong: 아파트 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 아파트 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에
Minkyong: 건물 [natural native speed]
Keith: Building
Minkyong: 건물 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 건물 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next, what do we have?
Minkyong: 왼쪽 [natural native speed]
Keith: Left and left side
Minkyong: 왼쪽 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 왼쪽 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that?
Minkyong: 오른쪽 [natural native speed]
Keith: Right, right side
Minkyong: 오른쪽 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 오른쪽 [natural native speed]
Keith: And 그 다음에
Minkyong: 은행 [natural native speed]
Keith: Bank
Minkyong: 은행 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 은행 [natural native speed]
Keith: And 마지막으로, Finally?
Minkyong: 배달 [natural native speed]
Keith: Delivery
Minkyong: 배달 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Minkyong: 배달 [natural native speed]
Keith: All right Mingyong, you want to take a look at some of the vocabulary and phrases from this lesson?
Minkyong: 그럼요
Keith: All right. So what’s the first word?
Minkyong: The first word we will look at is 왼쪽
Keith: Left, left side.
Minkyong: Actually 왼is left but when you add 쪽it means left side.
Keith: But when you translate it into English, it can be both left and left side. So how do you say, Take a left? Turn left.
Minkyong: Well it came out in this conversation 식당주인 said왼쪽으로 돌다.
Keith: 왼쪽으로 And that 으로 is a directional particle and we might be getting into a little bit of grammar here but you use it when you give directions.
Minkyong: And the verb used there is 돌다
Keith: To turn.
Minkyong: So it’s 왼쪽으로 돌아
Keith: To turn left but very simply, you can even say 왼쪽으로 가요 to go left and that makes sense too, doesn’t it?
Minkyong: Yes it does but 돌다 is more correct but 가다 can also be used.
Keith: All right. We went over left. Now let’s go over right.
Minkyong: 오른쪽
Keith: And the same thing applies here. 쪽 actually means side but it’s often used together with 오른 which means right.
Minkyong: And to give directions, you do the same thing 오른쪽으로 돌다
Keith: To turn right and the simpler one
Minkyong: 오른쪽으로 가다.
Keith: And because in Korea it is pretty hard to give instructions, you will definitely be using this. You know, turn right here 여기서 오른쪽으로 돌아요 and all that jazz…Why don’t we move on to our grammar?
Minkyong: 그래머로 갑시다.

Lesson focus

Keith: Alright. I'm happy. We have a very, very easy grammar point today.
Minkyong: 내... 오늘 배우기 시워요.
Keith: Our grammar point is easy to learn. And that's exactly our grammar point.
Minkyong: -기 쉽다/ - 기 어렵다
Keith: "It's easy to (verb)" or "It's difficult to (verb)."
Minkyong: Let’s take the verb from this lesson's conversation. 찾다.
Keith: T search for or to look for.
Minkyong: Then we take the verb stem. 찾. And add 기.
Keith: And this is a verb nominalization. Some of you may be keeping track of this. What do we have next?
Minkyong: And then, we can say either 쉽다 or 어렵다.
Keith: What's that first verb that you said?
Minkyong: 쉽다
Keith: To be easy. And the other verb?
민경: 어렵다.
Keith: To be hard, or to be difficult. So the literal translation is "something's hard" or "something's easy."
민경: So going back to the word 찾다. When we add the construction, it become 찾기 쉽다.
Keith: It's easy to find.
민경: And if it's hard to find, you can 찾기 어렵다.
Keith: It's difficult to find. So how did it come out in this conversation?
민경: I said... 저기요... 거기 찾기 힘들어요?
Keith: Excuse me, is it difficult to find? Wait, you didn't use either 어렵다 there.
Minkyong: Yea, 힘들다 is often used in place of 어렵다. To be difficult.
Keith: So those two words, 힘들다 and 어렵다 are often used interchangeably in this construction. And how about, it's easy to find? How do we say that?
Minkyong: We can say 찾기 쉬워요.
Keith: Ok. Do you have any other examples?
Minkyong: 김치는 만들기 어려워요.
Keith: It's difficult to make Kimchi.
Keith: You think that’s true?
Minkyong: Yeah.


Keith: All right. So I think that’s a good place to end our lesson.
Minkyong: But before we go, we have another question for our listeners 한국어 공부하기 쉬어요? 아니면 어려워요?
Keith: Okay and I hope our listeners, stop by KoreanClass101.com and comment. Great, so we will be looking forward to seeing everyone’s comments on the site. That just about does it for today. Bye!
Minkyong: 안녕히 계세요.


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