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The Legend (Bae Yong Joon)

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The Legend (Bae Yong Joon)

Postby shanshanchua » May 31st, 2008 6:32 am

Has anyone watched The Legend starring Bae Yong Joon? I think the alternative title is something like the 4 gods of the great king...

I'm at episode 6 and I'm really confused by the story. Who is the Phoenix - is it Kajin/Kiha or Saeoh/Sujini? Is this Phoenix good or bad - is it supposed to protect the King or destroy the earth, like it did 2000 years ago when Saeoh went berserk??

And who are the other 3 guardians?

I don't mind spoilers!

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the legend

Postby wingyutang » September 28th, 2008 11:50 am

don't waste your time... although apparently very very popular in korea - I had the misfortune of falling for the hype, buying and watching it...

in my opinion a very very poor series with an unsatisfying and confusing ending to top it all off.


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