jjdevereux wrote:matthew254 wrote:The topics are interesting enough but as for the hosts themselves...
Matthew, I'd be interested to hear just what it is about the hosts that you do object to. They speak with honesty and humour about life in a country in which they are both experts on and have lived in for years. What is it you object to about them?
You'll just have to take my word that I mean no disrespect. Text is unique in that it can't relay tone of voice. I'm a good ol boy who speaks in the most non-standard English possible so I can completely see how anyone and everyone might misinterpret where I stand. Give me a chance to clarify.
I like Bomb English. A lot. It's a podcast project that touches on seriously taboo subjects that are pertinent not only to expats but also to Korean nationals. Like the Hub of Sparkle, I feel that the overall goal of the project is to educate, be supportive, and provide a voice for the thousands of foreigners in Korea. I also like how the hosts make the show fun.
That's what I mean when I say "...but as for the hosts themselves..." Michael and Jennifer are so silly on the show. I can't help but crack a smile when one of them creates a socially awkward moment forever captured in mp3 format. They take potentially boring (yet vital) subject matter and make it enjoyable enough that I've re-listened to several episodes - for entertainment and education.
These "hosts" are something else. They're not professional radio disc jockeys. They aren't CNN news anchors. They're regular people with a wealth of knowledge and experience in a very specific area of interest. Their charm is a big part of the appeal of the show for me. They get my vote for being awesome.
jjdevereux wrote:I have all noticed from your earlier post on the Korean Class 101 blog that you have a 'thing' against foreigners being 'negative' about Korea. You may be a flag-waving supporter of the Korean language but I suggest you try living here before you cast those of us who offer critical opinions as 'party-poopers'.
(NB: I do have a stake in defending the show as I work for it

The blog article that you mention:
http://blogs.koreanclass101.com/blog/20 ... -in-korea/ deals with a sticky subject but overall, I'm pretty proud of the responses and comments left in the comment section. Again, you'll just have to believe me when I say that the negative blog posting is one part of expat life in Korea - and one that has been talked about almost as much as the economy.
Not to beat a dead horse but I don't hate expats who are negative. Negativity is a part of life. Blogging is a form of venting. Blogging is also a part of daily life. Some of the stuff seen is misunderstood - some is pretty straight forward. Either way, it gets a lot of attention. I blogged about it because I wanted to share with the KC101 community something that I thought interesting.
jjdevereux wrote:You may be a flag-waving supporter of the Korean language but I suggest you try living here before you cast those of us who offer critical opinions as 'party-poopers'.
Hey, all in all, I like the Kblogosphere. I think the party-poopers are the ones who whine and whiners are lame in any country. In fact, the ones who complain the most as of late do it with some humor that it makes me come back for more (Dokdo Is Ours, Eat Your Kimchi, etc) THAT'S the way you complain - through goofiness, satire, and brutal honesty. I include Bomb English in that category too.
Keep in mind that I have full intentions to move this summer to Korea on a semi-permanent basis. I have a personal blog that will indeed feature some negativity of things I will see. But it will also feature the good parts too, of course. I appreciate those who blog about daily life (Foreign/er Joy) and those who reminisce (White On Rice). It offers those who don't currently live in the country a taste of what it's like from their perspective. From someone who has never lived in Korea, scanning a few personal blogs off the Korean Blog List and/or posts from Dave's can be quite discouraging. This is something that most KBloggers have accepted - and moved past. There's more to life than complaining but from an outsider's view, the negativity can be overwhelming if not taken with a grain of salt.
On a separate note, I really do appreciate your comment. If in any way I come off as a jerk/know-it-all/cowboy, just know that only one of them is true. I respect the snot out of Michael for simply existing - he's a rockstar in his own right and has earned the right to express his views.