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Postby kiowoun.asma_231298 » August 20th, 2016 9:54 am

How can i use 그만 or그만하다 with verbs to say "stop (doing something) !"
for example with these verbs:
stop screaming!
stop bothering me!
stop torturing yourself like this! .
2)Iis there any other meaning of 그만 than stop ?!
Thank you in advance.

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Re: 그만and그만하다

Postby icedar_231444 » September 3rd, 2016 5:34 am

How can i use 그만 or그만하다 with verbs to say "stop (doing something) !"
for example with these verbs:
stop screaming!
stop bothering me!
stop torturing yourself like this! .

그만 is verb stem, 그만 + 하다 become a complete verb,
그만 = stop, it can use in ask, order people to stop ( their on doing things)
stop screaming = 그만 울아라 / 소리 질어라

2)Iis there any other meaning of 그만 than stop ?!

or usualy, the stop can be used in 'verb + 지마 / verb + 하지마' form, by adding 지마 at the end of a verb
stop screaming = 울지마, 소리 질으지마
stop bothering me = 나 귀찮게 하지마
stop torturing yourself like this = 그렇게 스스로 괴롭히지마

Good luck!

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Re: 그만and그만하다

Postby community.korean » September 7th, 2016 12:47 am


Thank you for posting.
To use 그만 for the sentences you requested:

stop screaming! ---> 비명 그만 질러!
stop bothering me! ---> 그만 귀찮게 해!
stop torturing yourself like this! --> 스스로를 그만 괴롭혀!

Another way of tell someone to stop doing something would be to command them to not do something:

비명 지르지 마!
귀찮게 하지 마!
스스로를 괴롭히지 마!

Please let us know if you have any other inquiries.

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