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The Inyuasha Theme Song!

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The Inyuasha Theme Song!

Postby roboytoe563484 » March 5th, 2012 2:48 am

Hi everyone,

So far I have gotten excellent and prompt responses, so now I will try to divy up a response that will help with a translation that I am having trouble with.

With songs, the lyrics sometimes use words that have more than one meaning (and usually if they are in another language I stay away from learning them until my grasps of those meanings become more clear)

However, I have been watching the anime series INYUASHA in Korean and this catchy theme song always plays up. I enjoy it a lot AND the lyrics are even shown at the bottom of the video.

So I have decided to learn how to sing it and use it as another teaching too...the translation (especially with google translate) however has been a little frustrating.

-새로운 세상을 만들어가

-너와 함 께라면 분명 멋질거야

-언제 까지나 널 지 켜줄게

-흔자라도 괜찮다고 생각했어

-아무 것도 믿시 않는 눈이었어

-세상은 어둡 기만 해

-누구도 믿울 순없어

-하지만 이제 모든게 달 라 졌어

-널 만나고 빛을 봤어

-믿을 수없는 힘이 생겼어

-(next two lines are the same as the first two)

-나를 알아준단 한 사람

-나 만의 특 별한 너를 위해

-둘이 함 께라면 분명 빛 날 거야

-언제 까 지 나 널 지 켜줄게

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Postby roboytoe563484 » March 5th, 2012 2:49 am

Also here is a link to a random episode. The first minute or so contains the song.

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Postby trutherous » March 5th, 2012 8:18 am

This has probably been translated a dozen time already. Have you tried doing a Google search for "inuyasha theme song lyrics in english"?

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Postby roboytoe563484 » March 6th, 2012 1:59 pm

Yea, I already looked through the English translations of the song. Apparently the Korean version appears to be different from the Japanese version (and the English version took itself from the Japanese one). I am having a hard time having Google Translate follow the sentences I want to put down, because the translations change DRAMATICALLY if I either add (or subtract) one space from any symbols. It was also difficult trying to write down the words correctly from the script in the youtube video onto another sheet of paper so I can have the lyrics handly in front of me.

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Postby trutherous » March 6th, 2012 7:52 pm

I'm going to give you a semi-literal, then rough translation line by line, without looking at other translations; I'm doing this to give you a feel for the Korean rather than translate the song. I'll not correct the Korean because I don't want to spend that much time on it --and in the future it's $10 a word for translation :wink:

(Oh..and yeah the Korean spacing is messed up in a lot of places)

새로운 세상을 만들어가 - new world building-go

Let's go building a new world

-너와 함 께라면 분명 멋질거야 - you-with together-if surely awesome-will-be

Together with you I'm sure it will be awesome

-언제 까지나 널 지 켜줄게 - whenever-until you keeping(safe)-giving-will

I'll always keep you safe

-흔자라도 괜찮다고 생각했어 - alone-even-if okay-about thinking-did

I thought it was all right even if I was alone

-아무 것도 믿지 않는 눈이었어 - any thing-at-all believing-no not eyes-it-was

I couldn't believe anything I saw (the way I looked at things)

-세상은 어둡 기만 해 - world dark only does

The world was only darkness

-누구도 믿울 순없어 - someone-any believing able not-exist

I couldn't believe anyone

-하지만 이제 모든게 달 라 졌어- but now all things different-became

But now everything has changed

-널 만나고 빛을 봤어 - you meeting light saw

I saw the light when I met you (cough cough gag gag -yeah right)

-믿을 수없는 힘이 생겼어 believing able not-exist strength appeared

An unbelievable strength came about (grew in me /came to me /arose /appeared /became)

-(next two lines are the same as the first two) - lazy

-나를 알아준단 한 사람 - me understand-giving one person

The one person who understood me

-나 만의 특 별한 너를 위해 - my only special you for

For you who is so special only to me

-둘이 함 께라면 분명 빛 날 거야 - two together-if surely light emanate-will-be

Surely the light will shine if we are together

-언제 까 지 나 널 지 켜줄게 - when-until I you keeping(safe)-giving-will

I will always keep you safe

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Postby tky_intern_01 » March 7th, 2012 4:20 am

Hi roboytoe563484,

This is Madison from!

Animation would be a good way to learn the language and INUYASHA is actually really fun!

Do you know it's actually Japanese? But it's really popular in Korea as well

By the way, thank you for trutherous, George! :)

He kindly translated :)

If there is any further questions regarding the lyrics, please let us know! :]

Good luck!

Thank you,


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Postby roboytoe563484 » March 9th, 2012 2:17 pm

Yea I definitely appreciate the translation. Tell me which account I should deposit the $$ into for the next translation ;)

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Postby trutherous » March 9th, 2012 7:57 pm

nice to see you have a sense of humor :D I don't know if there are any official studies out there but I estimate that people with a sense of humor learn 4x faster than the serious sober-minded types.

After careful consideration of the faces I see behind the windshields, my proposed choice for a bumper sticker would be "When Was The Last Time You Smiled?"

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