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About 연결 어미들 (-고, -지만, -(으)니까, -(으)

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About 연결 어미들 (-고, -지만, -(으)니까, -(으)

Postby timandyou » March 30th, 2011 10:09 am

Hello everyone~~ :wink:
This is Tim from
Throughout this post, I'd like to give you profound insight into "Connective Endings - -고 "and", -지만 "but", -(으)니까 "because...", and -(으)면 "if..."" in Korean.

Please keep in mind the followings!!!

1. You must learn about 동사 어간 "verb stem" FIRST before studying "Connective Endings"
(for more information about 동사 어간, please take a look at the post of "About 일반동사 (동작동사) "Action verbs"".

2. You must be familiar with these rules...
a. 동사 어간 "Verb Stem" + 자 (For more info about this rule, please take a look at the post of "Informal Sentence Endings - 자 & 요")
b-1. if 동사 어간 "Verb Stem" ends WITH a 받침 (with a consonant), attach 은 / 이 / 을 (rules for particles)
b-2. if 동사 어간 "Verb Stem" ends WITHOUT a 받침 (ends with a vowel), attach 는 / 가 / 를 (rules for particles)

★ Here are some lists of Connective Endings in Korean
a. -고 "-and". Formation: Verb Stem + 고
b. -지만 "-but". Formation: Verb Stem + 지만
c. -(으)니까 "because...". Formation: Verb Stem + (으)니까 / 니까
d. -(으)면 "if...". Formation: Verb Stem + (으)면 / 면

★ Here are rules -
a. (for -고 "-and") Verb Stem + 고 (하고 "do and," 먹고 "eat and," 보고 "watch and," 듣고 "listen and," and so on)

b. (for -지만 "-but") Verb Stem + 지만 (하지만 "do but," 먹지만 "eat but," 보지만 "watch but,", 듣지만 "listen but,", and so on)

c. (for -(으)니까 "because...") If the Verb Stem ends WITH a 받침 (with a consonant) => Verb Stem + 으니까
(먹으니까 "because I eat...", 읽으니까 "because I read...", 입으니까 "because I wear...", and so on)
If the Verb Stem ends WITHOUT a 받침 (ends with a vowel) => Verb Stem + 니까
(하니까 "because I do...", 쓰니까 "because I write...", 가니까 "because I go...", and so on)

d. (for -(으)면 "if...")If the Verb Stem ends WITH a 받침 (with a consonant) => Verb Stem + 으면[/b]
(먹으면 "if I eat...", 읽으면 "if I read...", 입으면 "if I wear...", and so on)
If the Verb Stem ends WITHOUT a 받침 (ends with a vowel) => Verb Stem + 면
(하면 "if I do...", 쓰면 "if I write...", 가면 "if I go...", and so on)

Now, let's simply practice some... (are you ready?) :P
Example #1) 먹다 "to eat". 먹 (ends WITH a 받침) is the Verb Stem, and then...
=> a. (to express "eat and,") 먹 "verb stem" + 고 => 먹 + 고 => 먹고 "eat and,"
=> b. (to express "eat but,") 먹 "verb stem" + 지만 => 먹 + 지만 => 먹지만 "eat but,"
=> c. (to express "because I eat...") 먹 "verb stem" + 으니까 => 먹 + 으니까 => 먹으니까 "because I eat..."
=> d. (to express "if I eat...") 먹 "verb stem" + 으면 => 먹 + 으면 => 먹으면 "if I eat..."

Example #2) 하다 "to do". 하 (ends WITHOUT a 받침) is the Verb Stem, and then...
=> a. (to express "do and,") 하 "verb stem" + 고 => 하 + 고 => 하고 "do and,"
=> b. (to express "do but,") 하 "verb stem" + 지만 => 하 + 지만 => 하지만 "do but,"
=> c. (to express "because you do...") 하 "verb stem" + 니까 => 하 + 니까 => 하니까 "because you do..."
=> d. (to express "if you do...") 하 "verb stem" + 면 => 하 + 면 => 하면 "if you do..."

Now, it's your turn! :P
#3. 보다 "do see". 보 is the Verb Stem, and it becomes... a._____ b. _____ c. ________ d. _________
#4. 듣다 "to listen". 듣 is the Verb Stem, and it becomes... a. _____ b. _____ c. ________ d. _________
#5. 오다 "to come". 오 is the Verb Stem, and it becomes... a. _____ b. _____ c. ________ d. __________
#6. 읽다 "to read". 읽 is the Verb Stem, and it becomes... a. _____ b._____ c. ________ d. __________
#7. 말하다 "to speak". 말하 is the Verb Stem, and it becomes... a. _______ b. _______ c. _________ d. __________
#8. 입다 "to wear". 입 is the verb Stem, and it becomes... a. _____ b. _____ c. ________ d. _________
#9. 저는 한국어를 공부할때 "read and," ____, "write and," ____, "to listen and," ____, "to speak" 말하기를 다 합니다.
#10. 단어를 "read but,"______, " "to see but,"______, "to speak but," _________, 아직도 단어 공부가 힘듭니다.

Now, you know about "Connective Endings - -고 "and", -지만 "but", -(으)니까 "because...", and -(으)면 "if..." in Korean
If you remember those, you wouldn't have much difficulties to communicate with Korean.
Thanks for your time and study.
Please feel free to give me any advice and comment on this post.
Hope this post helps you give the profound insight into the 'Connective Endings'.
cheers, 여러분 힘내세요~~ "Go Go everyone~~~"
Tim 8)

ps. For more practice on 'VERB STEM', please give a listen to "Lower Intermediate Season 2"

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Postby johndramey » April 1st, 2011 2:40 am

Hey Tim, quick question about V+(으)니까. My girlfriend always uses (and encourages me to use) V+(으)니깐. I'm guessing the latter way is just a more casual/cutsy way of saying the same thing? What's the difference between the two?

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Hello johndramey,

Postby timandyou » April 1st, 2011 4:01 am

Hello johndramey,
It's Tim from
Can I ask your name?

okay, about your question - difference between 으니까 & 으니깐...
You are CORRECT! The meaning is the same!
Here is a tip though...

in writing, 으니까 is much preferred!
in speaking, 으니깐 is more natural!

There is a similar expression as well - VS + ㄹ/을 테니까
ex) 할 테니까, 먹을 테니까, 갈 테니까, 말할 테니까, 볼 테니까, 입을 테니까, 듣을 테니까...

Thanks for your comment,
Have fun learning Korean! cheers, -Tim 8)

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Postby johndramey » April 1st, 2011 8:19 am

Hey there Tim,

As with last time, thanks a ton. My name is John, so feel free to call me that ^^

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Hello John,

Postby timandyou » April 1st, 2011 9:39 am

Great to hear that my posts helped you learn Korean better...
That's all I need to hear...
Okay, I'd call you "John" from now on,
Feel free to talk to me as well...
-Tim 8)

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Re: About 연결 어미들 (-고, -지만, -(으)니까, -(

Postby ratnamaliak1783 » April 3rd, 2011 4:43 pm

Hi Tim, very good topic. And it makes me remember some words.
1. for -하고, what is the differences with -랑, 와/과, they also mean 'and' ?
2. this is my conclution, to say a reason we can use :
-(으) 니까
-어/아/여 서
- -ㄹ테니까
- (기) 때무네
is it right? and if they can interchangeable? or each has different rule/pattern?

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Hello Ratna,

Postby timandyou » April 4th, 2011 2:27 am

Hello Ratna,
Thanks for your comment,

I think you are confusing a bit here!
In this post, I am talking about "CONNECTIVE ENDINGS", which is USED with VERB! VERB!!!!
"I eat and watch" = 먹고 보다
"I study and drink" = 공부하고 마시다
"I sing and read" = 노래하고 읽다

You are referring to "CONNECTIVE PARTICLES", which is used with NOUNS! NOUNS!!!
Yes, -하고, -랑, -와/과 all means "and"
"Ratna and Tim" = 라트나하고 팀, 라트나랑 팀, 라트나와 팀
"Tim and Ratna" = 팀하고 라트나, 팀이랑 라트나, 팀과 라트나
I hope you are able to see the difference between "CONNECTIVE ENDINGS" and "CONNECTIVE PARTICLES".

and about your second question about (으)니까, -어/아/여서, -ㄹ/을 테니까, -(기)때문에...
Yes, I have to say that the basic meaning is the same since each connection has a meaning of "because (of)..."
Yes, in many cases they are interchangeable!
about rules...
I'll write them here in the forum when I have time,
Tim 8)

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Re: Hello Ratna,

Postby ratnamaliak1783 » April 4th, 2011 3:08 am

sorry for missunderstanding. now everything is clear for me.

I'll wait your next post
너의 해답이 감사합니다 ^ㅇ^

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