ognistik wrote:hey roora, you don't really need your drivers licence. You only need any ID that has your photo and your name. I sent a scan of my passport, but I've some friends that have sent their student ID and they accept it. There's actually a lot of tutorials for english speakers that want to use korean cyworld, maybe you can just google it.
I have a cyworld myself even without understanding how I did it... lol... just following tutorials. It's quite useful to keep in touch with Korean friends
*mouth drops open* !!!!!!!!!!!! 진짜???!! Then I am going to try to sign up again!
ㅎI never even thought about looking up tutorials, good call =]
EDIT: 왜요?? 왜요?? I tried a billion times to sign up but I keep getting the "Data error! Please, type the correct information" I don't understand what I am doing wrong....
For the contact section they have an example "ex : 82-2-XXX-XXXX" Am I supposed to put in 82-2 in the first 2 boxes? Or the country code and area code of where I live?